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 Isaac M. Standifer (1859 - 1918)

  Bullet3.gif (148 bytes)  From: Biographical Souvenir of the State of Texas, pub. 1889; p. 785

Hon. Isaac M. Standifer, a very prominent attorney-at-law, Dennison, was born in Monroe county, Mississippi June 24, 1859, the son of J. I. and S. E. (Hadley) Standifer.  He came to Texas in 1871, acquired a preliminary education, and then attended the law department of the University of Virginia.  He was admitted to the bar in 1880 and at once opened an office in Denison, where he has since resided, engaged in active practice.  He is a natural-born lawyer, an original thinker and an able speaker, and has acquired a reputation that extends over the entire State.  His criminal practice has been very large, and his ability to understand human nature makes him particularly forcible before a jury.  

In April, 1888, Mr. Standifer was elected judge of the city court of Denison by the democratic party, and has filled the office to the entire satisfaction of the community and with great credit to himself.  His friends he can number by the hundred and he has a large and ardent political following.

In 1884, Judge Standifer married Miss Minnie B. Menifee, a lady of culture and refinement, and a daughter of Bruce Menifee, of Missouri.  Few men in Texas have promise of a brighter future than that of the judge, and his persistent effort, as well as native talent, entitles him to a realization of all that is promised.  The secret of his success in both public and private life lies in his stanch adherence to principle, his accuracy and his thorough performance of every duty imposed upon him.

Carol's note:  Isaac "Ike" Mayfield Standifer was the son of James I. and Sarah Hadley Standifer.  He was the grandson of Skelton and Lydia Echols Standifer.  Ike died in Portland, OR, May 31, 1918.

Click here to view letter from Ike's son.

Click here to view article re. Standifer Shipping Company in Portland, OR.

Click here to view Ike's Texas Ranger info.

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